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- Under The Gun Poker Term
- Under The Gun Poker
- Poker Under The Gun Meaning
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Poker 101 will give you a grounding in the mechanics of the game and get you started with some winning strategies. Read through the following pages to get an understanding of all poker related info plus lots of extra tips and tricks.
If you are unsure of the Rules of Texas Holdem or the Hand Rankings of Poker, make sure you check them out too.
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Poker 101: What We Will Cover
- Terminology (below)
If you are new to poker and looking to have all the basics covered on a single printable PDF, check out our cheat sheet web page. If you are further along and want supercharged poker learning check out our best poker training sites in 2018 post.
Use the terminology section below as a dictionary – there is no need to read through it now. Refer to back to this page if you come across a word you don’t understand.
Check out the next poker 101 page – Basic Preflop Strategy – to find out more.
Poker 101 – Terminology
We will link back to this page throughout Poker 101 for any words you may not understand. Keep an eye out for the hyperlinks!
6-max: A table with a maximum of 6 players allowed to sit down- see 6max vs fullring. This type of game type is more typical to online play. An example of a 6max table shown below:
Ante: An ante is an other forced bet, typically smaller than the blinds which are used late in tournaments to increase the size of the starting pot.
Backdoor: A draw which requires two cards to complete. For example, AK of hearts on a Th6s2d has two backdoor draws – two consecutive hearts for a flush and consecutive Queen and Jack for a straight.
Bankroll management: Bankroll management is a process which all successful poker players undertake. It involves managing the amount of money available for you to play poker to ensure that you have sufficient funds that you do not go broke. See the post on bankroll management which delves into more detail.
Big Blind: The big blind is the forced bet which the player two seats to the left of the dealer has to put in before seeing his cards. The rules fix the big before the game has started. The BB is the minimum bet size for the poker game. For more information see Position is King.
Board: The community cards which everyone shares i.e., the flop turn and river
Blank: A hand which does not change the board or the strength of many of the types of hands players is likely to hold. For example, on a T96 board, a two would be considered a ‘blank.’
Blocker: When you hold a card which your opponent needs to make a strong hand. For example holding the Ace of hearts on a board with a heart flush possibility.
Broadway: The cards from Ten through to Ace are called Broadway cards.
Chase: To call a bet with a drawing hand with the correct pot odds.
Chop: To split the pot between two or more players due them all having similar holdings.
Coin flip or flip: When two players end up all in and their hands have roughly the same equity i.e. it is 50:50 for either to win. AK vs. QQ all in preflop is considered a flip despite QQ having slightly more equity.
Combo-draw: A powerful draw with a lot of outs to win. For example a flush draw and a straight draw.
Continuation bet: The act of following up your aggressive action on the next street. For example, raising preflop and then betting on flop. See more on continuation betting here.
Cutoff (CO): The cutoff is the position to the right of the dealer button (acts before the dealer). For more information see Position is King.
Domination: You are said to dominate your opponent when you each share one card of the same rank but your second card is of a higher rank. For example, AK dominates AQ as it will win a large percentage of the time (71%).
Downswing: A period of a bad run of luck where a poker player finds it difficult to win. A part of poker which every player must expect. The opposite of an upswing (or hot streak). See an example of a downswing below (after 7500 games).
Double Barrel: To bet two streets in a row, for example, bet the flop and follow up with another bet on the turn.
Draw: A draw is when you are waiting for particular cards to help improve your hand. For example, if you have four cards to a flush you are said to have a flush draw. Similarly, you can have a straight draw when you have four cards to a straight.
Drawing dead: When a player can no longer win the pot no matter what cards come on the turn and river. AK would be drawing dead vs. 99 on a 962 board as even hitting two Aces or Kings in a row wouldn’t make the best hand.
Equity: the percentage chance you or your opponent have of winning the pot. For example, AA has over 80% equity vs. a lower pocket pair such as QQ or TT. See our pot equity tutorial for more details.
Equity realization: Having equity is great but in some cases with difficult to play hands (for example K8o) you will not be able to realize that equity because the hand is difficult to play. See equity realization for more info.
Expected value: expected value is the predicted value of a particular move (such as calling or raising). It is calculated using the value of each outcome multiplied by the probability that each outcome will occur. For more information see Pot Odds, Equity And Expected Value.
Floating: Calling a bet with a speculative hand with the plan to bluff to win the pot on a later street. Typically this strategy is use to exploit weak opponents who will only bluff once before giving up on the pot and folding to a bet. Floating is more successful in position as you have the opportunity to apply more pressure to your opponent plus you will have more information while action in position.
Fold equity: The percentage chance you have of winning the pot due to your opponent folding to a bet or raise. For more information see this detailed article.
Full ring: The classic Texas Hold’em format. A maximum of 9 players may sit as this table type.
Freeroll: A tournament which is free to enter and offers a prize to the winner(s). A freeroll can also be used to describe when two hands of the same rank are all in but one hand has an additional way to win. For example, both players have KQ and are all in on a JsTs5c board. However, one player has a flush draw to complement his straight draw and thus is said to be freerolling – he can only draw or win, not lose.
Gut-shot (inside straight draw): A draw which has four outs to the straight. For example 76 on A53 board – a four will complete a straight.
GTO – GTO or game theory optimal is an unexploitable poker strategy based on mathematics and Nash Equilibrium that has arisen in the last number of years. When playing a GTO strategy you cannot be beaten in the long run, only break even against another GTO strategy. The use of unexploitable strategies have been accelerated by the use of GTO solvers such as PIOSolver. For more on GTO strategies and solvers see PokerNerves article.
Hero: When discussing the hand online, the player whose cards are known is said to be the hero.
Heads Up Poker: Playing poker against one opponent in a 1vs1 situation. For more on heads up poker see heads up poker strategy- adjusting to your opponent.
HUD (Heads up display): A HUD is a display which is used in online poker which provides information on opponents.
Isolate: To raise with the intention of singling out a single player after they have entered the pot. Typically isolation moves are performed vs. weaker players after they have limped into the pot.
Kicker: A kicker is used to break ties between players when they have hands of the same rank. For example, the kicker for the hand AK on an A72 board would be the king. The king kicker means that AK would be a stronger hand than AQ – in this case, AQ hand is out-kicked. See this article for more on kickers.
Limping: Limping is the act of calling a pre-flop bet when the pot is unopened. For example, a player is first to act under the gun (UTG) and calls the big blind. See this article for why limping is a bad strategy.
Middle position (MP): Middle position is the 2nd position to act after the cards are dealt in 6max (after UTG) and the 3rd and 4th position to act in a full ring game (9 players). For more information see Position is King.
Nuts: The nuts is the strongest hand possible. The ultimate nuts is the Royal flush as this can never lose. However, some hands won’t always be possible, and therefore the nuts is referred to the strongest possible hand on the current board. For example, the nuts on a KT9 board without a flush possible would be QJ.

Offsuit: Two cards which are not of the same suit. For example AK with Ace of Diamonds and King of spades (often shortened to AKo).
Open-ended straight draw (OESD): A draw which has eight outs to the straight. For example 76 on A54 board – a 3 8 or will complete a straight.
Outs: The number of cards which could potentially improve your hand strength. For example, with QJ on a T92 board, we have eight outs to a straight (4 Kings and 4 Eights) and we have six outs to top pair (3 queens and 3 jacks).
Outdraw: When your opponent had a worse hand than you, but his hand improved to one better than yours on future streets. For example, a flush draw would ‘outdraw’ a one pair hand if the turn or river completed the five card flush.
Overcard: this is when you have a card which is greater than the highest card on the flop or turn. For example, AQ has one overcard on a K52 flop and has two overcards on a T52 flop. Overcards are important as they give us an opportunity to make good a hand on later streets.
Overpair: When you have a pocket pair which is larger than the highest ranking card on the board. For example, KK is an overpair on a Q52 flop.
PFR (pre-flop raise): A HUD stat which shows how often a player raises when entering the pot. Typically range from 12-22% for winning players depending on the game type.
Postflop: The later rounds of betting which occur after the flop is dealt. See Texas Holdem strategy for more on playing postflop poker.
Pot Equity: This is the percentage chance that you will win the pot at any given point in the hand. It is how much of the pot ‘belongs’ to you. For example with KK pre-flop, you will have approximately 80% chance of winning (equity) vs. QQ. For more information see Pot Odds, Equity And Expected Value.
PLO: PLO or Pot Limit Omaha is a poker game type similar in structure to Texas holdem although you are dealt 4 cards instead of two and are limited in bet size to the pot. Check out PLOQuickPro for pot limit omaha strategy.
Pot Odds: This is the odds that are being offered to you to call when facing a bet or raise. If you are confronted with a half pot bet, you are offered odds of 2:1 (you have to call 1 to win 2). See our poker books page our review of Essential Poker Math by Alton Hardin for all the basics of poker math, including pot odds.
Preflop: The round of betting which occurs straight after the card have been dealt. See Texas Holdem strategy for more on playing preflop poker.
Rainbow: When there is no possibility of a flush draw on the flop or turn due to all cards being different suits.
Rake: Rake is a percentage of the pot that a poker room or casino will take to play for the dealer, services, etc. Rake is how the poker room or casino generates profits from poker games. See this page for how rake works in poker.
Rakeback: This is the refund a poker play may get from a poker room or casino when a certain amount of play has been completed (hours or hands played). Rakeback is similar ‘tax-back’ which is returned to good customers of the poker site.
Range: A group of holdings you think your opponent may hold. See poker hand ranges for beginners.
Shorthanded: When the number of players falls below five on a table, it is considered to be a shorthanded table.
Set: A set is three of a kind with a pocket pair in the hole. For example, a set of sixes would be 66 on a KT6 board. Sets are stronger than a standard three of a kind because you cannot be outkicked.
Sit ngo: A tournament which begins when enough players sit down on the table (rather than starting at a specific time of day).
Small blind: The small blind is the forced bet which the player one seat to the left of the dealer has to place before seeing his cards. The value of the small blind is typically half that of the big blind. For more information see Position is King.
Suited: Two cards which are of the same suit. For example AK of hearts (often shortened to AKs)
Tell: Unconsciously giving away a piece of information to your opponent. For example, a shaking hand may mean a good holding.
Trap: To play in a manner which disguises the strength of your hand. For example calling preflop with AA instead of raising. See examples of traps here.
UTG: The first player to act after the cards are dealt. For more information see Position is King.
Villain: Often used to denote out an opponent in an online discussion. For example, the villain makes a big call with a weak hand.
VPIP (Voluntarily put in the pot): A HUD stat which shows how often a player puts money into the pot by raising or calling voluntarily. VPIP is a measure of how many hands a player plays. Typically range from 15-25% for winning players depending on the game type.
Check out this Poker 101 guide for those who are more visually inclined:
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That’s it for poker 101 terminology. Check out the next poker 101 page – Basic Preflop Strategy – to find out more.
Last Updated January 2, 2020
Poker wouldn’t be poker without Texas. After all, without Texas, we’d all just be playing plain old hold’em. Without Texas, we wouldn’t have some of the game’s most enduring legends, such as Doyle Brunson, Amarillo Slim, and WSOP founder Benny Binion.
No-limit Texas Hold’em made Texas an indelible part of poker. Card players in the Lone Star Star love poker, both in land-based casinos and online poker. This page discusses the Internet poker rooms available to Texas poker players in this Guide to Playing Online Poker in Texas.
If you came here looking for how to play online poker in Texas or the tips on the best Texas poker sites, we suggest you read our real-money poker guide.
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Current Updates for TX – Laws, Legislation & House Bills
Poker players have fought for legalized poker for years, whether in Texas online poker rooms or in brick-and-mortar establishments. In 2012-2013, Senator Rodney Ellis introduced casino bills that included the legalization of poker, but Ellis received no support from his fellow lamwakers.
Since then, Texan entrepreneurs took the initiative. Private poker clubs have popped up around Texas, mostly in large cities like Houston and Dallas. Players don’t pay a rake or tournament fees. Instead, they pay membership or entrance fee, similar to a country club. The clubs make money from membership fees, seat rental fees, and food and beverage sales.
Poker clubs operate in a grey area. Local law enforcement shut down some poker clubs, but some in other towns remain open and assert their rights legally. A court ruling might decide the law, as the legislature won’t legalize Texas poker anytime soon.
AG Ken Paxton Dithers on Live Poker Rooms
The most recent news out of Texas is that Attorney General Ken Paxton will not be issuing any type of decision regarding the live poker rooms. State Representative Geanie Morrison formally asked Paxton if poker rooms that charge membership fees but don’t charge rake permitted are legal. Paxton officially refused to answer. A spokesperson for his office said that it is a legal matter being litigated in the courts, so courts should resolve the issue.
In 2018, Attorney General Ken Paxton said he would not issue any type of decision regarding the live poker rooms. State Representative Geanie Morrison formally asked Paxton if poker rooms that charge membership fees — but don’t charge rake — are permitted under the current law. Many state lawmakers have been asking the same question, but Paxton officially refused to answer. A spokesperson for his office said that the courts should resolve the issue.
Texas Poker Clubs – A Legal Gray Area
Poker clubs around Texas continued to operate as usual until May 1, 2019.
The Harris County District Attorney’s Office and Houston Police Department coordinated to raid the two largest poker clubs in Houston on May 1. Nine owners and managers from the Post Oak Poker Club and Prime Social Poker Club were arrested and charged with money laundering as a part of engaging in organized crime activities. The two clubs’ bank accounts were also frozen and all funds seized. District Attorney Kim Ogg said, “Poker rooms are illegal in the state of Texas.”

Interestingly, however, all charges were dropped in July. All money was returned. The DA’s office commented that the dismissal of charges was the result of “multiple potential conflicts of interest” within her office. It seems that a contract employee of her office also worked for a law firm that tried to extort money from the two poker clubs while conducting an investigation of them. Said law firm – Jones Walker – then became the target of a lawsuit by Prime Social in early September.
Latest Texas Sports Betting Bills
Texas Rep. Eduardo Lucio introduced Texas House Bill 1275 and Texas House Joint Resolution 61 to the House in February 2019. HR 1275 would regulate land-based sports betting and impose a 6.25% tax. HRJ 61 would let Texans vote on a constitutional amendment to legalize sportsbooks through a statewide vote.
Type/Code | Summary |
State Code Section(s) | PEN.10.47; CIV.6 |
Definition of Gambling | A person commits an offense if he makes a bet on the partial or final result of a game or contest or on the performance of a participant in a game or contest; makes a bet on the result of any political nomination, appointment, or election or on the degree of success of any nominee, appointee, or candidate; or plays and bets for money or other thing of value at any game played with cards, dice, balls, or any other gambling device. |
Definition of Gambling Device | Any electronic, electromechanical, or mechanical contrivance that for a consideration affords the player an opportunity to obtain anything of value, the award of which is determined solely or partially by chance, even though accompanied by some skill, whether or not the prize is automatically paid by the contrivance. The term includes, but is not limited to, gambling device versions of bingo, keno, blackjack, lottery, roulette, video poker, or similar electronic, electromechanical, or mechanical games, or facsimiles thereof. |
Definition of Bet | An agreement to win or lose something of value solely or partially by chance. |
Online Poker/Gambling | There have been no proposals in the state legislature that would legalize online poker or internet gaming of any kind. |
Live Poker | The live poker offered at cardrooms in major cities in Texas advertise as membership club. No rake is taken from the poker games, though there are fees to enter or belong to the clubs. So far, there have been no court decisions that have closed these poker rooms. |
Casinos | There are no casinos in Texas, though cardrooms exist as entertainment venues. |
Sports Betting | HR1275 and HJR 61 would regulate Texas sports betting. |
DFS | A proposal to legalize daily fantasy sports was proposed in 2017, but died in committee. |
Other Forms of Gambling | Horse and greyhound racing, on-track pari-mutuel betting, lottery, social gambling, bingo and charitable gambling, contests of skill. |
Texas Gambling & Poker Laws Summarized |
Under The Gun Poker Term
Texas Daily Fantasy Sports Laws – Is It Legal?
In January 2016, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that daily fantasy sports gaming was illegal in Texas. FanDuel announced it would no longer offer games to Texans after May 1, 2016. DraftKings filed suit in a Texas court, asking the court to rule DFS legal. That court case has not been resolved yet.
8-Liners in Texas Towns

One other oddity exists on the Texas landscape. Under Texas State law, the gaming machines called 8-Liners or “maquinitas“ are legal if local municipalities approve them. and the owner does not pay winnings in cash. Winners are paid in store credit, gas, or groceries. Despite that limitation, 8-liners generate $5.4 billion in revenues each year.
8-Liners create a problem for local law enforcement. Business owners often pay cash for winnings, which is illegal. Just in the past 3 years alone, Texas law enforcement has raided 8-liner operations for illegal cash payments in the following cities: San Antonio, Poth, Athens, Cap City, Eustace, Seven Points, Tool, Gun Barrel City, San Benito, Rio Grande City, La Joya, Cameron County in the Rio Grande Valley, and McAllen.
Texas Poker Sites – Where to Play Online Legally?
Most Texas poker players drive to Oklahoma or Louisiana to gamble. Several of the largest casinos (by gaming space) in the world are located an hour north of Dallas: Winstar Casino in Thackerville and Choctaw Casino in Durant, Oklahoma. The casinos in Bossier City and Shreveport, Louisiana also get most of their business from Dallas-Fort Worth.
Texans who want to know the closest card room should read our list of real money poker rooms.
Is Online Poker Legal in Texas?
As a rule of thumb, a poker site that accepts American players will also accept poker players from Texas. It’s NOT illegal to play online poker in Texas. In fact, unlike Washington, Texas poker players can legally play on offshore poker sites, like Bovada. The only illegal activity is owning or operating a poker room.
The rooms we’ve listed above are Texas-friendly, but they’re far from the only online poker rooms where Texans can play real-money games. Read through our list of online poker — Texas exists in a gray area, but Texans can play at most US-friendly sites.
What Forms of Gambling Are Legal in Texas?
Poker players are naturally curious about whether or not playing poker for real money online is legal under Texas law. Offering legal advice is not a function of this website (nor of anyone beyond legal professionals), but we can help you sort through the fundamentals of poker laws in Texas.
What counts as gambling in Texas?
The definition of “bet” (Section 47.01(1)) is short and sweet – it’s when you enter into an understanding “to win or lose something of value” in an activity that involves chance. Specifically, the winning or losing must occur “solely or partially by chance.” The definition includes the phrase “partially by chance,” so a bet is anything with any element of chance. The definition of “gambling device” (Section 47.01(4) clarifies the law further.
Making illegal bets is a misdemeanor in Texas (Section 47.02). Those who break the law could face a half-dozen separate charges. Gambling promotion (Section 47.03) is a misdemeanor, and covers operating, promoting, processing bets and selling lottery chances. Possession of Gambling Device, Equipment, or Paraphernalia (Section 47.06) is also a misdemeanor.
Will Texas Regulate Internet Poker?
It’s unlikely Texas will regulate online poker. Texas proponents of land-based casino gambling faced a long fight in the past. Texas online poker is even further away from approval.
Texas Gambling Facts
Texas regulates lottery betting and pari-mutuel bets on racing, and charitable gambling (raffles and games of bingo).
Tribal gambling is complicated. Naskila Gaming at Livingston owned by the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe, Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino at Eagle Pass, and Speaking Rock Entertainment by the Tigua Tribe of the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo each operate casino gaming. All three tribes are embroiled in multi-year legal battles with the state of Texas.
Purely social gambling in a private place or regulated gambling activity is legal, if the house makes no profit.
All Poker and Gambling Laws by State
- July 11th, 2018
Poker rooms operating in Texas have no plans to shut down. They believe in their right to operate enough to take it to the courts if they must. The loopholes in the law, in addition to the antiquated laws surrounding poker in Texas, may be challenged in just that way,
Read Full - May 8th, 2018
Poker players in Texas know how to find games. Whether they travel to neighboring states that allow casinos and card rooms or locate underground games closer to home, there are ways to play poker. Some have found a different avenue. With some legal advice and personal determination, a number of
Read Full - October 20th, 2017
Texas is one of the few states in America that does not permit poker rooms, clubs, or games with any type of money involved. Despite the global popularity of Texas Hold’em, the state itself has yet to consider any true poker legalization measures. Only one casino operates in Texas, and
Read Full - August 18th, 2017
One of the greatest mysteries in the world of poker is the notion that Texas Hold’em – and any other kind of poker game – is illegal in the state of Texas. No matter the mainstream popularity of poker or the many reports showing the level of skill overrides luck
Read Full
Texas’ Forms of Regulated Internet Gambling
This is a much shorter list, as the state of Texas does not regulate any form of online gambling activity. As noted in our earlier section discussing the likelihood that Texas will regulate online poker, there’s almost certainly quite a bit of daylight between now and a time when Texas is issuing licenses to online gambling operators.
Additional Research on Texas Gambling
Texas Tribune: Gaming/Gambling. Dedicated section from the Texas Tribune covering all in-state gaming and gambling issues. Includes news and interviews with major industry players.
Under The Gun Poker
Senator Rodney Ellis . Internet home of Sen. Rodney Ellis (D-Houston), the driving force behind a proposal that would allow voters to decide whether or not to bring casinos to Texas.
Poker Under The Gun Meaning
Texas Lottery . Official website for the state lottery of Texas contains winning numbers along with a wealth of historical and statistical data about the lottery.
Guns For Sale In Dallas
Texas’ and the History of Poker
It’s hard for a state to be any more integral to the game of poker than Texas. After all, the state name is right smack at the start of what is by far the most popular format of modern poker: Texas Hold’em. The “Godfather” of poker, Doyle Brunson, is still better known to some poker fans as Texas Dolly. The subject of one of the most epic poker matches (and stories) in history – Andy Beal – is (you guessed it) a card-carrying Texan. We could go on.
Dallas Gun Shops
Poker is now by and large an underground activity in Texas, so the state doesn’t get the same spotlight as your Las Vegas or your Atlantic City. But we can guarantee that if the same laws existed in Texas as Nevada, you might quickly see the center of the American poker universe gravitate a bit closer to the Lone Star State.